L'association Haïti Tchaka Danse « HTD » fut Fondée en 1987, dans l'objectif de stimuler la jeunesse haïtienne à valoriser et promouvoir la danse folklorique haïtienne dans leur environnement. Elle s'est donnée pour mission de faire la promotion de jeunes talents au niveau du pays, plus spécialement dans les communautés de base et les provinces, tout en insistant sur le changement des mentalités négatives et la recherche de l'identité culturelle.
L'association a procuré aux jeunes, d'une capacité professionnelle dans le domaine de la danse folklorique haïtienne aux fins qu'ils puissent développer des structures culturelles communautaires utiles et s'exposer sur le marché du travail. De concert à des partenaires, l'association Haïti Tchaka Danse « HTD » a déjà travaillé sur une quarantaine de communes du pays. Ses interventions sont orientées vers les domaines suivants :
Directeur artistique: Daphenis Brusma
Contact: [email protected]
L'association a procuré aux jeunes, d'une capacité professionnelle dans le domaine de la danse folklorique haïtienne aux fins qu'ils puissent développer des structures culturelles communautaires utiles et s'exposer sur le marché du travail. De concert à des partenaires, l'association Haïti Tchaka Danse « HTD » a déjà travaillé sur une quarantaine de communes du pays. Ses interventions sont orientées vers les domaines suivants :
Directeur artistique: Daphenis Brusma
Contact: [email protected]

Francophilia Foundation's mission is to encourage and create opportunities for Americans to experience Francophone culture. Its educational and cultural goals are achieved through producing and sponsoring artistic events, including theatrical and musical performances, art shows, and writers' workshops and publications. Francophilia Foundation is a not-for-profit [501(c)3] organization.
For further info, please visit us at www.francophiliafoundation.com

FOKAL: La Fondation Connaissance et Liberté, créée en 1995 et reconnue d’utilité publique depuis 2000, est une fondation nationale haïtienne financée principalement par l’Open Society Foundations. L’Open Society Foundations est un réseau de fondations et d’initiatives établies à travers le monde par le financier hongrois américain George Soros pour la promotion des valeurs démocratiques. La FOKAL reçoit aussi des financements de l'Union Européenne et de la coopération Française.

French Heritage Society is dedicated to protecting the French architectural legacy both in France and the United States with particular emphasis on raising funds for preservation and education.
The society fosters long-established French-American relationships through cultural exchanges as it strives to ensure that the treasures of our shared heritage will survive to inspire future generations.
Its thirteen chapters in the US and one in Paris have supported the restoration of nearly 500 buildings and gardens since 1982. French Heritage Society also organizes unique student internship opportunities in both countries and offers enriching cultural trips in France, and the US for its members.

Since the age of 5, Haitian-born Junior Polo has been following the best Haitian painters in their respective disciplines. He has since developed his love and passion for art through painting, pottery, and stage design.
Polo later found his inspiration for helping youth by working with disabled children at Saint Vincent Center in Haiti. This experience changed his life and he began to develop a plan to start a youth empowerment non-profit organization called GREDEVE (Network Empowerment for Child Development). Now, this 16-year-old organization teaches at-risk and underserved youth in the areas of leadership, art, literacy, and personal development. It serves over 200 youth and hosts many community building activities and performances each year. Junior currently serves on the Board of Directors and manages all staff members. .
Polo later found his inspiration for helping youth by working with disabled children at Saint Vincent Center in Haiti. This experience changed his life and he began to develop a plan to start a youth empowerment non-profit organization called GREDEVE (Network Empowerment for Child Development). Now, this 16-year-old organization teaches at-risk and underserved youth in the areas of leadership, art, literacy, and personal development. It serves over 200 youth and hosts many community building activities and performances each year. Junior currently serves on the Board of Directors and manages all staff members. .